What makes us
Our Turkeys are all slow growing strains and from beginning to end we have complete control over the whole process, right up to handing it over to you for the big day.
The day old poults have been hatched early in the summer, then brooded in our granite barns for about six weeks and from start to finish are fed a simple traditional cereal based diet.
When the turkeys are big enough they are given access to the surrounding fields and meadows. Here the birds have the opportunity to range and forage on grasses, herbs and seasonal berries. After 24 weeks of age the birds have reached full maturity and have a traditional finish of fat. This ensures the meat to be tender and succulent when cooked.
All our Turkeys are dry plucked by hand allowing us to game hang our birds for 10 days. This further enhances the flavour as well as improving the texture. After the birds have been hung we prepare your bird for the oven and present it in one of our own unique turkey boxes.
It is this process that ensures that our birds guarantee you that traditional excellence at Christmas.